Thursday, February 25, 2016

The hole is dug

The excavator is done.  Next step is putting in the footings.  That is scheduled to start on Monday the 29th.   Here are some pics.

Looking up the driveway at the big pile.  Feel free to admire the fabulous job done covering the pile.  The primary reason for covering the piles is to keep the city of Anacortes happy, and I really don't want all that soil washing away when it rains.  I'm going to need it for backfill in a few weeks.

This next pic is looking at the step down cuts for the east side of the foundation.   With the slope of the lot the footings for the front of the house need to be cut lower to find undisturbed soil. The first cut is 2 feet and the next one 1 foot.  This means the foundation along the front will be 3 feet higher than the back, and when we backfill inside for the slab that section will need to be filled in.  Thus the big dirt pile.   Watching the excavator figure all this out with their laser level was very educational.

Next pic is looking towards the west at the cut for the step down footing along the front of the house.

Last one is the northwest corner this is the deepest cut.  It's about 7 feet.

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