Home Page

I created this page primarily to document our Journey from Colorado back to Washington State.

After living 15+ years in the Seattle area I took a new job in 2008 that moved us to Colorado.  We've loved our time in Colorado, but after 7 years we've decided enough of the Sunshine and clear blue Colorado skies, not to mention amazing skiing, hiking, biking.   Anyway, we are coming back to the Pacific Northwest and couldn't be happier about.   We are looking forward to being close to the ocean again, being surrounded by green, and to reacquaint ourselves with old friends.   The Back2Washington menu will take you to the blog that chronicles our journey from Denver to Anacortes.  The Anacortes House menu will take you to the house building process we undertake once we get there.

I've decided to add a few more menus, one to share recipes that I like to make.   I'll try to add a new one each month.   After we get to Anacortes I plan to add a menu to share our exploits around our new home.  Think biking, hiking, kayaking, fishing.

That about sums up where you are.   Expect more updates in the Spring of 2015.

Hmmmm, updates in Spring of 2015.  Who writes this?  Kidding, it was me.

Anyway, we did make the most excellent journey back to the Pacific Northwest and absolutely love living in the town of Anacortes.  We've extensively explored the local forest lands, ventured to the islands for some amazing bike rides, and did a great riddle based hiking competition around Mount Baker over the summer.

Oh wait.  I think we came here to build a house.   Well that is getting closer.  Planning, HOAs, Engineers, "The City" they all take a bit of time.  All of which really worked out well for us as we ended up doing a complete redo of the original concept and are confident the end product will suit us better.

That being said.  The Engineer said the plans will work, the HOA said we comply, and the city said hand over some $$$ and you can start digging.   Well we did all of that and in mid to late February there will be a hole in the ground and some concrete being poured.   Follow this link to check the progress.  Anacortes House